Tuesday 7 May 2013

The Demise of Street Style ?

As i have been going through some articles on the internet, i found a very interesting topic about how street style these days are starting to lower their qualities, losing the meaning behind the title "street style" itself and getting too over the top, and so people have been wondering, is street style still alive ?, are those people who desperately want to get their photos taken by paparazzi really into fashion ? or they're just want to show off and attract as many attention as possible ?
Those people are dressing themselves to the extreme in order to get noticed by people, especially by people who work within the fashion industries.

" Let's be completely frank, most fashion press are beginning to turn up their noses at those who mug incessantly and insanely for the cameras. I mean, do we really need to see Ulyana Sergeenko toting a basket of egss at a Jil Sander show? it's about a sophisticated as a toddler exposing themselves on a jungle gym. Pay no attention and they'll stop doing it soon enough"  - Alex Furry ( Love Magazine's Editor)

Well, to be honest though, i personally have no problem with it, i mean, what's so wrong about people wanting attention ? although i oppose extreme ways to achieve it, but how extreme is extreme ? using violence ? yes that's extreme, doing something that will majorly ruin people's lives ? yes of course !, but dressing up to seek people's attention ( not even in an immoral way ) ? is it really too extreme ?.
Let's be honest, every human wants attention from another individual, wants to be seen, wants to be remembered, wants people to know their existence, but as we all know everybody's different, the way they do things and solve things are different, some of them do it silently and some of them do it loud.

Dressing themselves to the point where being mocked and criticized in order to get known is indeed a bit extreme for most of the people, but I'm actually very envious of them, at least they have got the guts to do it, they have got the balls to go out of most people's comfort zone, while some people are screaming their hearts out silently in their room, wanting to get attention from others.

Street style for me is where people can freely express themselves through what they wear, and without caring of what's in and what's out in term of the fashion trend. People who professionally work in the fashion industry, for example stylist or fashion designer, they need to stick with the upcoming trends, and they need to stay with rules which stated what's right and what's wrong, what's new and what's old, what's good and what's bad in fashion. I personally think there's no right and wrong or good and bad when it comes to 'street style', you can dress as loud as you want, wear many colors in an outfit, spikes, flowers, furry, even cosplaying. Some people are not good with words, so for people like them, dressing up is their own version of communicating. The only thing that will be wrong is nudity, what i meant by nudity was someone who doesn't really wear anything and showing off their privates to public ( well you know what i mean ;P ) .

A good example for these "extreme outfit" and "attention seeker" matters is Harajuku, which can be found in Tokyo, Japan. They are actually my favorite, i love them to bits ! they dress to attract attention and to express themselves, most of people are wondering, how come they go out from their houses looking like that ? lots of people in Japan are opposing this, in Asian countries most of the people are not so open minded compared to the people in Western countries ( i know because i'm an Asian :p ), and to live in a strict country and yet still have the gut to dress like that is indeed very admirable ! don't you think ? :))

So in conclusion, I'm not really against those people who are labeled as a desperate attention seeker or whatever, because there are always some acceptable explanations behind their actions. So, why judge ? :)

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